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Is BSLBATT A Manufacturer of Lithium Solar Batteries?

Yes. BSLBATT is a Lithium Battery manufacturer located in Huizhou, Guangdong, China. Its business scope includes LiFePO4 solar battery, Material Handling Battery, and Low Speed Power Battery, designing, producing, and manufacturing reliable Lithium Battery packs for many fields such as Energy Storage, Electric Forklift, Marine, Golf Cart, RV, and UPS etc. 

What is The Lead Time for BSLBATT Lithium Solar Batteries?

Based on automated lithium solar battery production technology, BSLBATT is able to meet our customers' product needs quickly, and our current product lead time is 15-25 days.

What Kind of Cells Are Used in BSLBATT Lithium Solar Batteries?

BSLBATT has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with EVE, REPT, the world's top manufacturer of lithium iron phosphate batteries, and insists on the use of A+ tier One's cells for solar battery integration.

What Inverter Brands Are Compatible with The BSLBATT Lithium Home Battery?

48V Inverters:

Victron Energy, Goodwe, Studer, Solis, LuxPower, SAJ, SRNE, TBB Power, Deye, Phocos, Afore, Sunsynk, SolaX Power, EPEVER

High voltage three-phase inverters:

Atess, Solinteg, SAJ, Goodwe, Solis, Afore

What Types of Lithium Solar Batteries are Included in BSLBATT?
How Long is The BSLBATT Energy Storage Battery Warranty?

At BSLBATT, we offer our dealer customers a 10-year battery warranty and technical service for our energy storage battery products.

What Does BSLBATT Offer Dealers?
  • Product Quality & Reliability
  • Warranty & After- Sales Service
  • Free Additional Spare Parts
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Provide High-quality Marketing Materials

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What is A Home Battery Backup System?

If you want to make your power supply as sustainable and self-determined as possible, a home battery backup system for solar can help. As the name suggests, this device stores the (surplus) electricity from your photovoltaic system. Afterwards, the electrical energy is available at any time and you can call it up as needed. The public grid only comes into play again when your lithium solar battery is completely full or empty.

How To Determine The Size of Your Home Battery?

Choosing the right storage capacity for home battery is very important. To do this, you should find out how much electricity your home has consumed over the past five years. Based on these figures, you can calculate the average annual electricity consumption and make projections for the coming years.

Be sure to take into account possible developments, such as the formation and growth of your family. You should also take into account future purchases (such as electric cars or new heating systems). In addition, you can seek support from someone with specialized knowledge to determine your electricity needs.

What Does DoD (Depth of Discharge) Mean?

This value describes the depth of discharge (also known as the degree of discharge) of your lithium solar home battery bank. A DoD value of 100 % means that the lithium solar home battery bank is completely empty. 0 %, on the other hand, means that the lithium solar battery is full.

What Does SoC (State of Charge) Mean?

The SoC value, which reflects the state of charge, is the other way around. Here, 100 % means that the residential battery is full. 0 % corresponds to an empty lithium solar home battery bank.

What Does C-rate Mean for Home Batteries?

C-rate, also known as the power factor. The C-rate reflects the discharge capacity and the maximum charge capacity of your home battery backup. In other words, it indicates how quickly the home battery backup is discharged and recharged in relation to its capacity.

Tips: A coefficient of 1C means: the lithium solar battery can be completely charged or discharged within one hour. A lower C-rate represents a longer duration. If the C coefficient is greater than 1, the lithium solar battery needs less than one hour.

What is The Cycle Life of Lithium Solar Battery?

The BSLBATT Lithium Solar Battery utilizes Lithium Iron Phosphate electrochemistry to provide a cycle life of over 6,000 cycles at 90% DOD and over 10 years at one cycle per day.

What is The Difference Between kW and KWh in Home Batteries?

kW and KWh are two different physical units. Simply put, kW is a unit of power, i.e., the amount of work done per unit of time, which indicates how quickly the current does work, i.e., the rate at which electrical energy is produced or consumed; while kWh is a unit of energy, i.e., the amount of work done by the current, which indicates the amount of work done by the current in a certain period of time, i.e., the amount of energy converted or transferred.