
Definition of 11 Professional Terms for C&I Energy Storage

Post time: May-08-2024

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1. Energy storage: refers to the process of storing the electricity from solar energy, wind energy and power grid through lithium or lead-acid batteries and releasing it when needed, usually energy storage mainly refers to power storage. 2. PCS (Power Conversion System): can control the charging and discharging process of the battery, AC and DC conversion, in the absence of the grid can be directly for the AC load power supply. PCS consists of DC/AC two-way converter, control unit, etc. PCS controller receives background control instructions through communication, according to the symbol and size of the power command control The PCS controller communicates with the BMS through CAN interface to obtain the battery status information, which can realize the protective charging and discharging of the battery and ensure the safety of battery operation. 3. BMS (Battery Management System): BMS unit includes battery management system, control module, display module, wireless communication module, electrical equipment, battery pack for power supply to electrical equipment and collection module for collecting battery information of battery pack, said BMS battery management system is connected with wireless communication module and display module respectively through communication interface, said collection module is connected with wireless communication module and display module. said BMS battery management system is connected to the wireless communication module and the display module, respectively, said output of the collection module is connected to the input of the BMS battery management system, said output of the BMS battery management system is connected to the input of the control module, said control module is connected to the battery pack and the electrical equipment, respectively, said BMS battery management system is connected to the Server server side through the wireless communication module. 4. EMS (Energy Management System): EMS main function consists of two parts: basic function and application function. The basic functions include computer, operating system and EMS support system. 5. AGC (Automatic generation control): AGC is an important function in the EMS of energy management system, which controls the power output of FM units to meet the changing customer power demand and keep the system in an economic operation. 6. EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction): The company is entrusted by the owner to carry out the whole process or several stages of contracting for the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of the engineering and construction project according to the contract. 7. Investment operation: refers to the operation and management activities of the project after completion, which is the main activity of the investment behavior and is the key to achieving the investment purpose. 8. Distributed grid: A new type of power supply system completely different from the traditional power supply mode. To meet the needs of specific users or to support the economic operation of the existing distribution network, it is arranged in a decentralized manner in the vicinity of users, with a power generation capacity of a few kilowatts to fifty megawatts of small modular, environmentally compatible and independent power sources. 9. Microgrid: also translated as microgrid, it is a small power generation and distribution system composed of distributed power sources,energy storage devices, energy conversion devices, loads, monitoring and protection devices, etc. 10. Electricity peak regulation: the way to achieve peak and valley reduction of electricity load by means of energy storage, that is, the power plant charges the battery in the low time of electricity load, and releases the stored power in the peak time of electricity load. 11. System frequency regulation: changes in frequency will have an impact on the safe and efficient operation and life of power generation and power-using equipment, so frequency regulation is critical. Energy storage (especially electrochemical energy storage) is fast in frequency regulation and can be flexibly converted between charging and discharging states, thus becoming a high-quality frequency regulation resource.

Post time: May-08-2024